Friends of Snowden’s Bush

people planting at community planting day Snowden's Bush Brightwater

Engaging community to protect significant block of totara trees in Brightwater township and associated predator control.

Snowden’s Bush covers over five hectares off Waimea West Road in Brightwater. This DOC reserve is a rare example of the podocarp forest that once covered much of the area, and is one of the last surviving native lowland bush areas on the Waimea Plains.

Snowden’s Bush is dominated by mighty totara, titoki and matai, some over a hundred years old. New seedlings have flourished since stock grazing ceased in the 1970’s, and a regeneration project started in the 1980’s has seen the return of tui, bellbirds and kereru to the community.

Today Snowden’s Bush is an important and much-loved community asset.  Friends of Snowden’s Bush aims to foster community engagement to continue protection and restoration.  Friends of Snowden’s Bush wishes to acknowledge the amazing work of the  Snowden’s Bush Trust  who fundraised to purchase the adjacent 3,500m² of land from the Nelson Diocesan Trust to be incorporated into the existing Snowden’s Bush reserve.

Snowden’s Bush is a Dept Conservation Reserve.  Please leave only your footprints behind when visiting.  It is appreciated that your dog is on a lead within the native trees. 

-41.368693 173.103381

Charlie Watkins -Group coordinator 

[email protected]

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